Thursday, February 6, 2014

Carrie's List etc

Thank you to the people on this list (found in Carrie's diary) who have contacted the Mosses. Scott and Ronda (Oakhill Research) would like to speak with each of you also. They can be contacted by Facebook, email, or phone 207-841-2526. Not all of Carrie's friends and peers were listed in her diary and we would also like to speak with the people whose names appear below the 61 names.

John O’Connor
Stephan E Coltey
Mark ?
Michael D L'Esperance Deceased 2013
Kenneth John Raczka Deceased 1994
Lindy A Stpierre
Timothy M Goudreault
Eddy - Ed Goudreault
Mike - Mike Goudreault
Albert A Lamarche
Norman H Lamarche Jr
Jeremy V Anderson
Joshua W Palmer
Jonathan E Palmer
Steve Couflin Steve Claflin?
Rob Winslow
Rich Greeley
Jason Grenier
Sean Fontaine
Sean Dinan
Bobby Walton
Nichol Laramy Nicole Laramee?
Brandy Philbrick
Amanda Amanda Akerly?
David J. Bucceny
Jason Parsons
Ray? St. Onge or Bourgois?
Christopher Michael Klug Deceased 2015
Matt Fisher
Kevin P Stpierre
Kim Bean Anyone know her?
Brian Miller
Tricia Lovejoy
Donald ?
Greg G. Cusson
Eric Yabree Eric Labrie or Eric Despres?
Nathan A Moul
Steven M Freitas
Paul Fairbrother (Paul Kriton)
Simone Novick
Toby Smith
Tabitha Filta
Jeff Hily Jeff Hills?
David S Mandigo
Rick LaPlant
Steve Caral Stephen Carroll?
Jeffrey C Dutch
Ludwig Bennie Mims
Joe ? Joe Tabor?
James R Magoon
Benjamin L Severance
Paul Raymond
Tim Winslow
John ?
Dee ? Dee Baker?
Andrea J Hecker
Kim Cate
Lynn M Charest
Carrie A Lawrence
Chanti E Berube
Gail Starr
Joe Claridge
Jodi Leblanc
Chris Murray
Jeff Pierce
Mike Johnston
Jaye Johnston
Jason Ickes
Brian Cavette
Andy Southerland
Josh Deshais
Mark Wojdyla
Jamie Deware
"Rich's aunt"
Tim Beckley
Orin MacDougal 
Rodney LeBlanc 
Jason Purselley
Amanda Akerly


  1. I don't know if you looked more at Dave mandigo but he was sentenced to 10 to 20 years for molesting some little girl in her bedroom in 2013


Please feel free to post any comments, questions, suggestions, etc. Our hope is that people will start talking about this case!